The Musings of Nona Wilcox

Little is known of Nona Wilcox, who spent her days wandering the empty beaches near the seaside village of Caelkirk, which was dangerously close to the pirate outpost of Rum Isle on the Eastern Shores of Tiny Land.

Nona was a quiet young woman who reveled in the solitude of long, aimless wandering along the beaches and broken shoreline.

Nona Wilcox - Tiny Land

Whilst wandering, she was taken to simple thoughts. Her favorite game to play by herself was, “What if?” It was a game that gave her time to consider many different possibilities of the mysteries of chance and consequence.

Among the many things she wondered. What if…

…Beowulf had been a police officer?
…Emmanuel Kant was deliberately responsible for the creation of Rock and Roll?
…Kublai Khan was like Plato?
Mao Tse Tung fought Harun Al-Rashid?
…Saint Dominic was inspired by Cormac Mac Airt?
…the Dark Ages happened after the arrival of the Pilgrims in America?
…the Opium War had never happened?
…everyone had a picture of Yoda on every screenshot they take on a Mac?

Her thoughts wandered further as the waves crashed upon the shore. It brought pause to her idle thoughts and instead inspired a song.

Totally dream-like over the fog
You examine huge shivas against the virgin
Oh God! The vision has gone
Dark and happy above the tomb
You dispel florescent meaning above the shadows
Oh God! The Knight must continue
Evil and hot within the spirits
We command arid symbols behind the air
Repent! The demon is no more
scared unsafe
not understanding
something missing
At how many harbors
your brother
turn aside
unable to stop.