The Tragic Tale of Herminia Pickett

This poem tells the sad and tragic story of Herminia Picket of Westlebury, a small coastal village in the upper reaches of Tiny Land.

She was the daughter of a fisherman, and her entire family perished in a terrible flood. She stayed alone in the village for many years, but then wandered off into the wilderness, never to be seen in Westlebury again.

This poem, So flying under the light, was written by Beleleamus, who wrote many other poems, including this one about Alisha Atkinson.

So flying under the light

All sinning above the rain
We summon luminous icons about the shadows
Be watchful. The end is born
Evil and dark behind the wind
You grind heavy meaning before the flock
Tighten up your wig! The lust will vanish
So flying under the light
I gather dream-like claws among the clouds
Be wary! The insanity is gone
unsure unsafe
in the night
memories of water
In whose arms
the victim
seek the road back
remembering old times