An Ode to Evangeline Hammond

All vaporous under the sea is a poem written by the great bard Hilton Vazquez. It was composed while he was traveling in the Duchy of the New Bane’s Slaughter in the West.

Unfortunately, he developed a nasty case of the Warping Canker and died much too young at the age of 32.

All vaporous under the sea

All vaporous over the air
Evangeline swallows luminous whorls on the land
Alack! The Knight is no more
Totally cold below the shadows
You sense yellow rubes under the spirits
Be transparent. The night gets weird
All vaporous under the sea
You smear humming demons above the towers
Be transparent. The life shall flee
trusting awake the eyes of Evangeline
walking out of the world
something missing
After how many voyages
the face in your mirror
turn aside
while the world changed