Princess Fiona of Emberwild is a character that shows up in several of my short stories. She met an untimely demise with a dragon after a contest of riddles, which she won…but lost. I have also chronicled her dreams. But what do we really know about Princess Fiona? What is she like?
A little girl who was orphaned at age seven was adopted by the royal family. They raised her as royalty and educated her. When she was eighteen, she went to a magical academy to further her education. There, she learned the arts of swordplay, magic, and stealth.
But in order to be prepared for the responsibilities of ruling the kingdom, she trained in the martial arts, magic, and stealth in other lands.
Princess Fiona is described as beautiful, smart, and kind. She has an affinity for all things magical, which allows her to cast spells without study.

But there is more to her than just that.
Her heart is that of a warrior princess, and she has a keen sense of justice and fairness. She’s a natural leader. She’s a princess, but she also knows how to act like a normal person, because she’s lived like one her whole life.
When she was younger, she would sometimes dress like a boy. She played with other boys, and fought them in mock battles. Her male companions liked her a lot.
She was not very good at socializing with people her own age. She felt like she did not fit in with her peers, and she wasn’t interested in them.
She was also an accomplished rider, and excelled at everything she did. She was extremely confident in her skills, and she never doubted herself or her abilities. She would always say she was good at something, no matter what it was.
She has a good head on her shoulders. She doesn’t let anything faze her, and she doesn’t take unnecessary risks.