The Mermaid and the Storm

With the crash of waves beneath her,

the Mermaid leapt out of the sea.

For a brief moment, she saw the storm clouds above,

And then she returned underwater,

Swimming quickly through the water.

She saw the seabed in the distance,

The Mermaid smiled, for it was time to return to her cave.

The Mermaid’s tail waved from side to side,

and soon she was safe in her home.

Her tail swayed and her body rocked,

as the Mermaid thought of her husband,

and the sea.

Do you think Mermaids are real? I’m not really sure that I am ready to dismiss them as creatures of fables or imagination. Several times, when I have been walking along the beach, something has caught my eye. And I believe.

The ocean is a big place, after all.

I remember reading a book called “The Mermaid and Mrs. P.” I won’t give away the ending, but I found the story fascinating. It told me about the relationship between mermaids and humans, and I would love to meet one someday. Maybe we could become friends.

Maybe they don’t exist, but I think it’s fun to imagine that they do.

What if a Mermaid were standing on land and you were able to talk to her? What would you say?

I’d tell her she was beautiful.

And I’d ask if she were real.

I’d tell her that I’ve always wanted to be like her.